Children’s Ministry

  • Children's Sunday School

    Our Children’s Sunday School will meet on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of the month during the 10a.m. Sunday service

    March 9 - Mr. Scheuerman and Mrs. Chin

    March 16 - Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Cobb
    ESL at Dulin

    No Children’s Sunday School in April

    Contact Linda Miller if you can help!

  • Nursery

    The Dulin Church Nursery is committed to providing a nurturing, safe and healthy environment for children ages 2 through 5 years old. Child care workers are professionally trained, have background checks and must complete Child Protection Policy Training in order to work in our nursery.

  • Children's Activities

    Dulin offers fun activities for kids and their families!

    See our latest Headlines Here!

    Contact the office with any questions!