The goal of our nursery is to provide a nurturing, safe, healthy, and loving place for your child while you participate in our church community. It is open to all children from ages 2 to 5 years old. It is also a peanut-free zone. Our paid child care workers come highly recommended to us, go through several interviews, and are hired based on their experience with and love for children. Background checks and successful completion of Child Protection Policy Training are required of all our staff.
New to the Nursery? If you are new to the Dulin Nursery, we ask that you complete a registration form upon arrival. You will sign-in your child and be given a pager. You may leave a diaper bag with your child’s name on it; please label all items left in the nursery. To maintain an allergy and nut free environment parents are asked not to bring toys, stuffed animals, food, or drink. Snacks and drinks will be provided by our childcare workers; you may ask upon sign-in what is being served on that day.